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Please contact us @ 1-801-936-1306 Or stop in and visit our warehouse @ 925 West 100 North Suite B North Salt Lake, UT 84054

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Aliens Have Landed

Well at least that's what the Utah Dental Association (UDA) must have thought.  As you may already know the UDA holds an annual dental convention each year.  This is the perfect opportunity for Innovative Design Concepts of Utah to showcase our work.  Wow!  We sure were the talk of the convention.  Everybody had to get a picture by our booth, and find out just exactly what we were up to as well as why we were there.  Our themed environments are a huge part of our company and these environments are a great way to revolutionize your office space into a fun atmosphere for everyone.  Not only do we do space themes but we can create anything that our clients can dream up.  You should have seen the gears turning when we told them we can create most anything.  Most of the dentists and hygenists came up with some pretty fun ideas.  We as designers love this process, because it's a chance for us to get to know our clients while creating an environment that will completely change what they used to think an office should be like.  Thanks to our wonderful team we received great exposure and let people know that we are here to change spaces into Wow! environments.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I must apologize because in earlier posts I listed all of our employees.  But now it has been brought to my attention that I accidentally left one out. (I have no idea how I could leave out one of our most important team players).  This person is Alecia or as we like to call her around the office.  Queen accountant.  Enjoy.

Feb. 27th - March 5th

Cans, cans and more cans.  Once again it is time for the Associated Foods event.  We decided to create a soup can inspired event.  We made fresh floral arrangment centerpieces for the tables.  The stage setup was created using giant soup cans with the logos of the different grocery stores on them along with motivational words such as; Success, Tradition, and The Power of Possibility.  With our talented warehouse crew these cans really made a big impact on the employees of Associated Foods.  Other than the Associated Foods event we have still be gearing up for parade float season.  I decided that it would be a good idea to do some before and after pictures.  So there is a picture of Springville City float before picture.  We did remove quite a bit from the float when the picture was taken, but it will be fun to see the finished product and exactly what the designers at IDC can do. Keep watching for after pics as we finish more and more floats.